Tuesday, September 22, 2009

what I learn from watching Anime-2

There are many Anime are talk about important of friendship, team spirit, and believe each other. This let me think about our real life friendship. Can we really believe our friend no matter how worst the situation is? May be not in these days. Because nowadays have too many crimes are happen on cheating people to own the profit. Can we have very good team work within each other? well, I found out wherever where is it, there are conflict within human. Unless you found a very good friend who look or smell or whatever alike with you, then it is ok I think.

Friday, September 18, 2009

~,~ this week~

This week quite busy, especially on Wednesday. Morning 10am class till 2pm non-stop. Then do assignment (out going also:P)from 2pm~4pm++ then continue discuss after came back till 5. Next is swimming at 7, but before that my parents want me to have my dinner with them. The =.=" 300m non-stop to retrain our stamina.. Twice some more ><. DYING! T~T next week need to train some more. However >~< I'll not give up.

~,~ Then, I'm waiting for senior who wish to 'borrow' my home scene to record. Cause already very tired, I'm very sleepy that day actually..Although they are late, but I'm quite happy that can help them ^^

coming week is Raya holidays, but still have a lots assignment and projects in the process. T~T hope that can arrange and follow the time to finish them..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

what I can learn from watching Anime-1

Well~ for me, I think there are something that I(we)can learn from watching Anime. But not all, of cause,some of them are quite "nonsense"(:P), therefore need to choose carefully.

The Anime which I can learn a lot is Detective Conan, a high school detective who are poisoned by a Dark Organization and became a child. Every cases has its own story. How the murderer and the victim meet, what is the reason the victim "need" to be murder, how the murderer kill the victim....

The explanation on the skill of the murderer to kill the victim is quite logic. but I wonder is the testimony is real or fake in the real world.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Anime= cartoon?

Almost all adult will think that Anime is equal to cartoon. They will think that these are 'childish'vand ONLY for kids who are immature.However , most of the people that know more about Anime will think in different way.

Cartoon is the words using in western country refer to animated video however Anime is using in Japan which come from the word 'japanimation'. Although the word used are refer to the same thing, but there are some differences also.

So, what's the different between Anime and cartoon? The story in an Anime actually are more mature and having more deeper meaning compare to cartoon which is simple to understand and the storyline is quite simple as what is telling on the surface of the story.

Nowadays, cartoons are refer to the western animation video for example Disney's cartoon, however, almost all Anime are from Japan, Korea, Thaiwan and other countries Eastern Country.for example the most famous one, Doraemon.

p.s. :P there are more examples there if want to compare between Anime and cartoon. I'll try to update this post if I found out some. ^^ yaya, tell me if any of you know more about this topic.