After watching this clip, I feel so sad.. I wonder why there are so many people not respect to the elders who are more experience than us.. What an old people want is very simple: they want our attention and our love towards them. They feel lonely,(especially their life partner had pass away) when their children went to work; They feel helpless, when they find out that their organs can not function probably, and there is nobody around to help them; They will feel happy, when all of their children and grandchildren coming home for dinner, all the family members gather together;......They will feel very happy when their loves one are happy.
But how about us? the young ones?
Many things can not learn from a book, but is learn from experiences. However, the elders have more life's experiences. They can tell us clearer what is right and what is wrong, what should do and what should not. However, young do not like to listen to them. Say them are long whispered, and angry with them.
Well, do anyone will stand on the other's position and think about their feelings? I found out that there are less people nowadays will do so..
Girls and guys~ Try to listen to other while someone is telling something, it may not is those what we like to listen, but it is useful when we meet problems. Try to Stand on other's position and think! and feel! You will find out something different. :)
13 years ago
I agree what share with us, this video is touching my heart...Remind me treasure my family and learn to talk with them more...thanks ya^^
agree with you!
watch this movie before.
So touching~
by the way, play majong can prevent us from dementia
i love this video...
i love my grandmother...
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