This are the stepes to disect a mouse. >< When I first touch the mouse, I feel pretty sorry for them. Although there is only 9 out of 13 students are taking BIO in my class that time, but it still not feel so good to "kill" a little mice. Everyone each mice. And I remembered that one of my classmate's mice become "bloody mice". accidentally perhaps. Because if dissect in the right way, then it will not bleed.
First, use chloroform to make the mouse faint, but is still alive. Then, pin its limbs.
This is to fix the position to prevent dissecting other part of the organs.
There seems to be 3 layers skin. The first layer is the fur. the second is the fats with membrane layer. then the final and the inner part is the thorax, which is to protect organs like heart and lungs.
After dissect, we need to observe the organs. The heart are still beating, and then the lungs are also functioning.(><) Now I know how cruel is the scientist is while dissecting the animals for experiment.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Posted by キッキ at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
How well you treat your elders?
After watching this clip, I feel so sad.. I wonder why there are so many people not respect to the elders who are more experience than us.. What an old people want is very simple: they want our attention and our love towards them. They feel lonely,(especially their life partner had pass away) when their children went to work; They feel helpless, when they find out that their organs can not function probably, and there is nobody around to help them; They will feel happy, when all of their children and grandchildren coming home for dinner, all the family members gather together;......They will feel very happy when their loves one are happy.
But how about us? the young ones?
Many things can not learn from a book, but is learn from experiences. However, the elders have more life's experiences. They can tell us clearer what is right and what is wrong, what should do and what should not. However, young do not like to listen to them. Say them are long whispered, and angry with them.
Well, do anyone will stand on the other's position and think about their feelings? I found out that there are less people nowadays will do so..
Girls and guys~ Try to listen to other while someone is telling something, it may not is those what we like to listen, but it is useful when we meet problems. Try to Stand on other's position and think! and feel! You will find out something different. :)
Posted by キッキ at 8:24 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Even Dogs ......
The first thing come into my mind after I saw this clip is,"Is there any boys and girls can like this to his GF? if cant... then really like " qin shou dou bu ru..."" Even dogs can like this, why not human being who are more precious then them?
There are too many divorce cases nowadays. Many reasons are given as personality clashes, affair, dishonest,conflicts.... These might be a problems between husband and wife, but all of these can be solve if there are true love within each other. If not, then why marry??
Only can said that they are not willing to understand each other, refuse to believe their partner, don't know how to considerate and inclusive each other..Of cause, selfishness also the factor.
I wonder why people nowadays not thinking of the consequence before deciding anything. They are not thinking about their child's life, how suffering is it..
The lack of responsibility personality in today's children and also young adults looks very weak. :) I need to be more positive in every part of my life so that I can train myself think other's feeling before decide anything. (==although some times really can't stand on those people are not having responsibility in doing anything...)
Posted by キッキ at 6:33 AM 0 comments